Story Of My Life
Life 2014
Thursday 26 June 2014 • 02:35 • 0 Girl(s)
Assalamualaikum. Dengan nama Allah yang lagi maha permurah lagi maha penyayang. 

4 days to go before i leave this place (home) and continue my study at kpmsi. Sudah berakhir lah kehidupan ku menganggur tanpa berbuat apa-apa. i'm just sitting at home watch tv, listening music& etc. so today june 26th 2014 i'm update my blog cs i'm bored. It has been a few months i hadn't update my blog & it almost half dead. i have a few story to share. Oh no i mean i doesn't want to keep it a long time in my heart. It will makes my feeling hurt. So i need to express all those thing in my blog. & i'm not try to be attention seeker. 

First of All, i can't expected my life will ruined like this. Friends are leaving me. I'm not sure either it 
misunderstanding or they can't accept me as well. Friends if i did mistakes to you guys i want to apologize abt all 
these happens. Me also does not want all these but this is fate in my life that i hv to through it. And how you guys leave 
me like i am nothing for you guys. Nah it's okay. Eventually i still keep our memories in high school. instead of that i got 
Adila & student Essemkay. I really appreciate y'all with me and eventho we're just knowing for awhile but i'm glad that i 
you guys. The real is i don't have many friends. And i don't have sweetest memories in high school. 
Instead of that, am really grateful cs Allah swt met me with this sweetest guy Muhamad Azril. I'm so glad 
knowing you sayang. Thank you for everything. Thank you for what you did, thank you for your sacrifice sayang,
Thank you cs you trying your best to spend a quality time with me to text with me& on the phone. I think no one
can be like you sayang. I know you;re kind person, charming & etc. Eventho we didn't meet each other i know that 
your heart is kind, loveable person. I know our relationship is still new about 1 years & 8 months. But i think i know 
you around 10 years. Hahahaha. Seriously i love you man. Thanks cs you always with me when i need you, when i
need somebody to talk, somebody i need to share my problems. You are the one i need sayang. I hope that you will
accept as well. I hope so that you're the one in million guy. i wish you my 'jodoh' Amin :)

Now it's about studies. umm yes. I will continue my study at kpm seri iskandar. courses that i take in Diploma 
international business. So i have to be girlfriend of kpmsi around 3 years. when i got this chance i must changed my
attitude, i mean the way i study & the way i talk to people. Instead i'm gonna diet. i want to get my ideal weight. It 
was long time i'm not in skinny girl. I had a fat belly, huge arms, huge legs and huge face. Hahaha i mean my face 
getting more circle! hahahaa can you imagine that? hihihihi. So i start my new life at kpmsi. Learn how to be 
independent. And yes i have to speak english right now. This is good time to speak. Actually, i have mixed feeling
about going kpmsi ugh i mean to or not to go. i'm scared if i just alone at there. no friends :'( hm yeah cs i'm fat
maybe people doesn't want to friend with me. i feel so idiot. Hmmm. I wish everything gonna be okay....
Ya Allah permudahkan lah ketibaan ku di kpmsi. Permudahkanlah segala urusan ku disana ya Allah..
Kau kuatkan lah imanku , kuatkan semangat aku ya allah. Berikan lah ku kekuatan. 
Kau ampunkan lah dosa kedua ibu bapa ku. Sayangilah mereke ya Allah..
Aku memohon restu dan berkat kepada mu untuk ku belajar ya Allah. Ampunilah dosa dosa ku..
Amin amin ya rabbalalamin...



Hey! My name is Bella I'm 18 Years Old. Welcome to my sweet bloggie^^ Ops. Actually,i'm not yet done editing blog. I'm sorry! i will fix it. bye

Say Hi!



  • He is mine.
  • Story about a girl
  • Final Exam
  • Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
  • Selamat Menyambut Ramdan Dan selamat berpuasa
  • I wish i could date with him ツ
  • speak now , ( FAV )

  • This owner ?
    Thank for coming


    Bounjour Alls ! Welcome to My world . Please don't copy anything here . Be a good girl and boy .
    Mood : I'm Bored -.-
    Status : Me know me cute :p
    [ i wish i get straight A's in SPM 2013]
    Credits ?
    i love you